Shop Stones
Isn’t there a message that you would love to send your family and friends when they are gone? Something to make them think of you and smile throughout the day, such as a nickname or a quote. That is the beauty of this gift; the stones can be customized to fit your loved ones uniqueness.
Stone Phrases
Your loved one may have served in the armed forces or loved to play golf, they may have even had a special accomplishment that they have achieved in life and want to be remembered by it. No matter what the special memory was, it is important to remember that your loved one’s life was filled with joy, love, and laughter.
Click a category below to simply choose from our wide variety of unique phrases or create your own phrase to give your Remember Me Stones a personal touch. Please feel free to reach out with any questions about our remembrance stones.

You’re always in my heart
I will love you forever
I’m always looking down over you
I’ll always be by your side
I’ll be watching over you
Until we meet again
You’re never alone
I’ll be with you forever
You’re forever in my heart
Gone but not forgotten
I will always remember you
Don’t spend it all in one place
Go Hog Wild
Drinks are on the house
Shop till you drop
They finally got me
Beam Me Up !!
… and they asked me why I drank
Don’t sell the Harley
Party till you drop
He who dies with the most toys wins
I love you all, but I got to go
Don’t call me, I’ll call you
You took me to the cleaners
You’ve laid me out for the last time
I finally hit a home run
I don’t have to pay taxes anymore, ha-ha
One time around is enough
Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me
I finally rolled a 7
What goes around comes around
Penny for your thoughts
I told you I’d get the last word
The joke is on you
…and you said I’d never hear the end of it
Good bye and good riddins’
Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn
Bon Voyage
It must have been something you said
I started out with nothing, I still have most of it left
It’s 5 o’clock somewhere
Save the Earth, it’s the only planet with beer
I may be left handed, but I’m always right
Don’t sweat the small stuff
Been there done that
There’s always light at the end of the tunnel
A fond farewell
This is where it all began and ended
Lived life to its fullest
I’ll always be with you
I will always remember you
I will be with you always
Remember the good times
Always and forever
You are always in my prayers
You’re in my soul forever
I’m finally at peace
Soul Mates Forever
You’ll always be my favorite
To have and to hold forever
I’ll be the first star you see at night
Beloved Mother
Beloved Father
Beloved Sister
Beloved Brother
Beloved Grandma
Beloved Grandpa
Beloved Nana
Beloved Papa
Beloved Mimi
Beloved Aunt
Beloved Uncle
Beloved Friend
The Lord Is My Rock
I am Now With Jesus
With God all things are possible
The Lord is my Shepard
When one door closes, another one opens
I did it my way
I have friends in low places
It’s my prerogative
You’re my Inspiration
My eyes adored you
If my friends could see me now
That’s what friends are for
It’s 5:oclock somewhere
You are the sunshine of my life
Whiskey for my men, Beer for my horses
Always and Forever
I had the time of my life
That’s all Folks
Thank God I’m a country boy
Ain’t no mountain high enough
The way we were
Don’t you forget about me
Goodbye yellow brick road
Don’t let the sun go down on me
Candle in the wind
#1 Soldier
#1 Sailor
#1 Marine
#1 Ranger
#1 Coast Guard
#1 Navy Seal
# 1 Veteran
#1 Captain
National Guard
US Marines
US Army
US Navy
US Air Force
In The Line of Duty
I fought for the red, white and blue
All gave some, some gave all
Once a Marine, always a Marine
World War II Veteran
Vietnam Veteran
Korean War Veteran
Desert Storm Veteran
Gulf War Veteran
Afghanistan War Veteran
Iraq War Veteran
I lived and died to protect the badge
It’s not over ’til it’s over
I fought for our freedom
#1 Fisherman
#1 Hunter
#1 Bow Hunte
#1 Golfer
#1 Football Fan
#1 Hockey Fan
#1 Archer
#1 Snowmobiler
#1 Skier
#1 Surfe
# 1 Harley Love
#1 Harley Man
#1 Chef
#1 Dog Love
#1 Cat Lover
#1 Horse Love
I always golfed better than you.
I finally hit a home run.
I’ve run my last race.
# 1 Cowboy
# 1 Cowgirl
#1 Euchre Player
#1 Pinnacle Player
#1 Poker Player
#1 Bingo Player
100 Ace’s
If there were no failure, then there would be no success
To conquer the world, one only needs to conquer himself
It’s never too late to win the Game of Life
Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
Jesus Loves Me, this I know
I have the most beautiful wings ever
I love my family with all my heart
Look up, I am the brightest star in the sky
I will sleep in peace
Don’t worry about me, I am in good hands